Thursday, October 11, 2007

The day from heck...

I found out my surgery time today.
Oct. 16th, 12:15noon at the Diagnostic Center at Plano Presby.
It's been a huge anxiety day. I had to deal with insurance issues. Then, Luke's mom came home and gave me a facial and took some beautiful portrait pictures at the park with Luke. And, I felt blessed to be in the presence of my little Luke and that I had forgotten about that rude lady that I talked to earlier in the hospital. She really upset me by her comments torwards me. (By saying it was an elective surgery) Breast cancer spread in the lymphnodes and she's telling me it's an elective surgery??

But, the day is over and I am much better after my facial and being in the home of the Hughes family.
God takes care of things. Thank you so much for praying.

Love you all, Wanda


Glo said...


You are in my thoughts and prayers and I will wear your name proudly on October 26th.


Chalotte said...

I know these are rough days on you as your journey speeds up. Please remember people all over Texas, other states and even my friends in Brazil are praying for you. You have already touched so many people and will continue too. Remember Isiah 40:31.

The Waters Family said...

Sorry you had a rough day at the hospital-- "elective surgery" I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT!! Glad your day got better and you were able to unwind.

Unknown said...

Praying without ceasing.....

Patyrish said...

Elective surgery? They are crazy. Sometimes I wonder how people can be so ignorant and get through life.

Love these pics, you look beautiful!